Writeitnow april 2016
Writeitnow april 2016

writeitnow april 2016

writeitnow april 2016

2,038 actions in support of the Strengthening Efforts to End Violence Against Children Act! This bill is especially exciting because World Vision helped write it! Now, we’re working with you, our advocates, to get it introduced in Congress.Now, it’s on to the Senate: Ask your senator to help kids thrive! And your actions made a difference! On September 22, the House voted unanimously to pass the Global Child Thrive Act, which will help young children in some of the world’s toughest places to grow up get a strong start in life. 1,411 actions in support of the Thrive Act! The goal of this bill is to help kids meet their full potential, no matter where they live, by implementing early childhood development programs.Here’s what you took action on last quarter through emails, phone calls, and social posts to your representatives:


We hope our quarterly update encourages you and inspires praise for the work God is doing through World Vision Advocates! Top actions of the quarter But we’ve also continued to see God working in unexpected ways: progress on laws to protect children, advocates speaking out for justice, and people of faith working together during a divisive election season. We’re not denying that this year has been tough in ways we never expected. Though the 2020 memes may suggest otherwise, we’ve seen some good things this last quarter.

Writeitnow april 2016